4 tips for Maintaining your sauna 

Published on 02 February 2023

Category : Maintenance

Saunas are a great way to relax and rejuvenate, but to get the most out of them, it's important to keep them in good condition

Saunas are a great way to relax and rejuvenate, but to get the most out of them, it's important to keep them in good condition. From regular maintenance to refurbishing the stones, here are some tips on how to maintain your sauna and extend its life. By following these simple tips, you can enjoy your sauna in peace and comfort. 

  1. Clean the sauna regularly: Make sure to clean the sauna regularly to remove accumulated dirt and dust. Use a damp cloth and a mild cleaner suitable for wooden surfaces. 
  2. Control the humidity: Excess humidity can cause mould and bad odours. After each use, be sure to leave the door or window open to limit moisture stagnation. 
  3. Change the water regularly: The water in your sauna can become stagnant, which can lead to the development of bacteria. It is therefore important to change your water to ensure proper cleanliness. 
  4. Maintain the stones in your sauna: they can wear out over time, so it is important to make sure they are in good condition. This will ensure optimal performance of your sauna. 

By following these tips, you can extend the life of your sauna and enjoy it for years to come.  

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